Sundays at St Brigid's

Is Church for me?

The idea of going to church pops into all sorts of people's minds from time to time. But going to church for the first time is daunting. Some people feel like they'll be judged. Some people don't like crowds. But when you experience it, church is amazing. It's a place where we can discover God's forgiveness, his love and his family.  

So we want to welcome you in at St Brigid's. We are made up of young and old, male and female, fit and frail, single and married, the highly educated and those with no qualifications, rich and poor, in paid work and not in paid work, working class and middle class, people with disabilities, people who like sports, like bands, like books, like gardening, like going for walks or staying at home. There's a place for everyone. 

So why not come and see what we do: hear us sing joyfully, listen to the Bible eagerly, and care for each other lovingly. And there's always a cup of tea afterwards.

When Does it Start?

Our Sunday service starts at 10.30am. Most people arrive slightly before that and find a seat. 

The service lasts about an hour and a quarter.

Who Can Come to Church?

We welcome people at all stages of life and from all backgrounds. You don't have to have any particular beliefs to be able to come. Come by yourself, come with a friend, bring the family. Everyone is welcome!

We love having children too, the noisy ones and the quiet ones. There's information for children and parents below.

If you're wondering what to wear, dress the way you normally do. Some people come to church looking smart, some come dressed casually. 

What Can I Expect?

Our services have a relaxed atmosphere. Everything you need to follow the service is in a pamphlet we'll give you when you arrive. 

During the service we sing, pray and read the Bible. There is Sunday School for children and, for adults, a down to earth talk about Jesus that connects with everyday life.

Once a month the service includes Holy Communion. 

What About Children?

We love having children at St Brigid's. Parents often feel worried if their children make a lot of noise during the service but please don't worry! 

During every service (except when there is Holy Commuion) there is a talk especially for children. There is also Sunday School for children aged 4-11. Sunday School includes Bible stories, teaching, activities, songs and crafts.

If you have children under 4 and need more space, there is a toddler play area in our lounge. Audio of service is avaialable in the lounge so parents out there with toddlers can still tune into the service. At the back of church is a quiet area for babies who need to feed or crawl about. There are some quiet toys there as well. 

A toilet with baby changing facilities is available.

Will I Be Asked For Money?

We usually take a collection of money during the service. But this is for regular members. We don't expect visitiors, first-timers or guests to contribute. The money we collect is used to pay the staff, the bills and help fund our outreach and ministry. Some of it is also donated to other Christian organisations.

What Happens After the Service?

Everyone is invited to stay after the service for tea and coffee in the lounge. We are very friendly and we always like to say hello to anyone who's new.

But if you'd rather just go straight home that's fine too.

Is There Anyone I Can Talk To? 

We all come to church carrying burdens and worries and stress. At St Brigid's we have a trained prayer team who are available to listen and pray with you. If you would like that, all you need to do is stay in your seat when the service ends. 

If you do,  someone will come and say hello and ask how they can help you. You can tell them as much or as little as you like. They will ask you if you'd like them to pray for you. You can say Yes or No. If you'd rather speak to the minister, just let them know.

What About Accessibility?

There are disabled parking bays, a ramp to the front door, and level flooring throughout the main part of the building. (The kitchen and back hall are down a set of steps but level access is available via the rear entrance to the church; the church office and one side room have no level access).

Cushions are available and there is a hearing loop system (set hearing aids to T position).

There is also a disabled toilet.

Where can I park?

We have plenty of parking spaces right outside to the church. 

St Brigid's is a Church of Ireland parish church in the Diocese of Connor.